Trip Report May 2023
DO Calatayud and Borja May 2023 It is 12 years since we last visited Calatayud and the Wine Society has never organized a visit to Campo de Borja. Calatayud is a city in Aragón, some 90 kms west of Zaragoza and the second largest city in the Province. The city was founded on the site of a Celt-Iberian settlement by the Romans but the modern town was founded by the Moors around the Ayyub castle around 716 AD. The name Calatayud comes from the Arabic Qal’at ‘Ayyub – Ayyub’s Fort. The cultivation of vines in this region goes back to the second century BC. During the Muslim occupation wine production was ceased but began again…
Wine Trips since 2000
Year DO Bodegas Visited Other visits 2024 Autumn DO Yecla and DO Jumilla CastanoDelampaLuzon Deortega Olive Oils 2024 Do Costers del Segre Clos MontblancLagraveraRaimatCastell de RemeiVinya Els Vilars Balaguer town 2023 DO Calatayud & Camo de Borja San AlejandroAragonesasBorsaoBrecaRaices Monasteria de Piedra 2022 DO Montsant Joan D’AngueraCeller MasroigJosep Grau (tasted wines over lunch)Mas de l’AbundanciaBodega Acustic Lead Mine 2021 No trip (COVID) 2020 Planned trip to Mallorca cancelled (COVID19) 2019 Autumn DO Utiel Requena MustiguilloPago de Tharsys Vera de Estenas Rio Jucar boat trip 2019 DO Somantano Anadas (Care) (en route)AlodiaSommosViñas del VeroLalanne Alquezar VillageDO Regulador 2018 DO Rueda and Toro Viñas El Regajal, DO Madrid (en route)Hermanos del VilarMocénRejadoradaTeso la…