Newsletter August 2024
Dear members
I hope that, wherever in the world you are, you are enjoying our summer break. It already seems a long time since our highly enjoyable pre summer event at Puerto Blanco. Hopefully some of you will have seen the very positive write up in the last ever edition of the Costa Blanca News.
For those of you who have remained in Spain I hope that you are coping well with the heat and busy restaurants and beaches. It won’t be long now before the temperatures and humidity start to fall and, dare I say it, we have peace and quiet and our homes back when our family/relatives/ friends return home. With that in mind I am writing to give you details of our next event which will be at Montesanco winery in Teulada. Please book early for this one as our numbers are limited to a maximum of 50.
Montesanco Winery event 19 September at 6pm
This will be our first visit to this impressive and exciting new winery based in the heart of the Costa Blanca on the back road between Teulada and Benitatchell This is a link to the location. The owners already have successful vineyards in Utiel Requena and have now invested heavily in this new vineyard and winery.
This will be a different type of event;
– it will be outdoors and informal – so rather than our usual jackets and collared shirts, feel free to wear shorts and T-shirts or equivalent;
– we will meet at the winery at 6pm for our welcome glass of cava. Please be careful driving the last kilometre to the winery- it is a narrow road;
– we will be divided into two smaller groups and be given a guided tour of the brand new modern winery and part of the vineyards. This will include information on the history of the winery, and the highly sustainable and ambitious plans for the future. There is seating available for those unable to take part in the tour;
– we will reassemble as one group where we will enjoy an alfresco, though seated, selection of tapas. During this we will be guided through a tasting of 5 different Montesanco wines. From my own experience these will be very good quality enjoyable wines which will be available for purchase at the end of the evening;
– the evening will conclude at around 9pm;
– the cost of this event is €45 for members and €50 for guests – please apply promptly via the website or by following this link.

Bookings will close on Friday 13th September, after which no more bookings can be made and no refunds will be possible for cancellations.
Our programme for the remainder of 2024 is as follows;
October away trip 8 – 9 October
Due to a cancellation we now have two spaces available for this trip. Please click here for full details and, if you are interested, please contact Sandy Fawle as soon as possible
October 17 – an evening of music and wine hosted by Patrick and Helen Harrild at Les Rotes in Dénia. Have you ever wondered whether listening to music could affect your appreciation of wine? ( For those who can access the CBWS Facebook page, we recently posted an article on this subject.)
November 21 – a fun quiz in which teams will seek to identify regional wines of Spain. This event will be hosted by Paul and Helen Nichols at a new venue for us – Costa Marco in Benimarco.
December 5 ( note the earlier than usual date) – Our Christmas event. Sara and I will be hosting the President’s pre-Christmas event at the Javea Yacht Club, presenting our selection of wines.
I hope that you enjoy the rest of your summer.
President CBWS