Newsletter December Tasting 2024
Dear Members
I am sending out my December newsletter very early because it contains details of our next tasting which by popular demand is at the much earlier time in the month, on Thursday 5 December.
The November Tasting, hosted by Paul and Helen Nicholls, has been sold out for some time. A report on that event will be available shortly after the event takes place on 21 November. It will be available here
A quick update on member numbers: we have now reached our maximum limit of 150 members and so we have started a waiting list.
Members will recently have received an email from the Wine Trip Team, giving details of the next trip which is to La Rioja from 6 to 10 May 2025. There are still four places available. This is usually an oversubscribed event so please book soon to avoid being disappointed. for full details click here
The 5 December Tasting, hosted by myself and Sara, will be at Javea Yacht Club, with a welcome Cava at 19.30 (a cash bar will be available before that time) and meal at 20.00. As this is our annual pre Christmas event, we invite members to take the opportunity to ‘dress up’, some (including myself) will be in black tie/dinner jacket. The wines will be your President’s choice and there will be spot prizes! This is a members only event and the cost is €45 per person.
The menu is as follows;
Picada En Mesa (A Compartir):
Tomate con Atun y Vinagreta de Pimientis
Crema de Champinones
Mejillones al Vapor
Croquetas de Rabo de Toro
Plata Principal (A Escoger):
Rodabillo sobre Alga Wakame y Salsa de Pulpo
Carrillera de Cerdo a la Cordobesa
*Guarnicion centro de mesa: verduras alteadas y patatas
Postre :
Tarta de Calabaza con Chocolate Caliente
Please book directly on the CBWS website or via the link below. Bookings will close at midday on Friday 29 November after which no more bookings can be made and there will be no refunds for cancellations.

The first two events in 2025 will be as follows;
– on 16 January it is our Annual General Meeting at the Nou Roma Hotel in Denia. Please try to attend as this is your opportunity to hear about how your Society is progressing and to have your say on any changes which you would like to see. It will be followed by our first tasting of 2025 featuring a selection of the highest scoring wines which we tasted in 2024.
– on 20 February, our tasting event will be at Javea Golf Club. The theme will be ‘The art of wine tasting’, a relaxed refresher (or for our many new members an introduction) to our approach to tasting and scoring wine.
Enjoy your month