Newsletter February 2023
Dear Members
Welcome to our February Newsletter. Our first tasting of the year took place at
Restaurante La Senia, Nou Roma Hotel, Denia. Prior to our tasting the AGM was held with 31 members attending The minutes of the AGM will be available on the website by clicking here and if any member who did not attend the meeting would like a copy of the financial report please contact our Treasurer Mike Granville
A total of 44 members and guests attended the tasting in the hotel’s La Senia Restaurant The wines we tasted were those that had received the most points by CBWS members during 2022. We plan to start each year with a tasting of the highest scoring wines from the previous year and it was interesting to compare how these were scored by members on a second tasting.
A full report of the tasting can be accessed from the website by clicking here
Membership Renewal
Now is the time to pay your subscriptions for the year 2023. The amount per person is unchanged at €25.
IBAN ES81 2100 9015 2102 0021 8418 Costa Blanca Wine Society
For those intending to attend the February tasting it would be helpful (but not essential) if you would make two transfers, one for the tasting and one for the subscriptions.
Please check that your name still appears in the reference section – different banks name this section differently. A significant number of people don’t insert their names here, which does complicate the accounting.
Next Tasting February 16, 2023 – 7.30 pm
Our February tasting will be held at the Javea Golf Club hosted by Neville and Sara Richardson with guest speaker Gonzalo Lainez, a very interesting Wine Distributor based in the Costa Blanca who will be presenting some of the wines he distributes.
Please make your booking with Penny Floodgate and advise her of your choice of main course – meat or fish.
Starters to Share
Beef Carpaccio with Parmesan Cheese
Crunchy Goat Cheese with salad and candied onions
Main Course to choose
Roasted Lamb at Low Temperature with saute potatoes
Grilled Cod with Vegetables
Chocolate Brownie
Price: €40 Members €45 Guests
Dress code smart casual with jackets and optional ties.
Bookings will close as usual the Friday before the tasting which, for this month, is 12.00 noon on FRIDAY February 10. Please ensure you make your booking in good time. Guests places will be confirmed by the previous Friday.
Any cancellations after the deadline will still require payment to be made for you and/or your guests.
Reservations please to: Penny Floodgate on her new number Tel: 96 529 1824 or email: Penny will always confirm receipt of your booking. If you have made a reservation and do not receive a confirmation from Penny you are not booked, so in that case please check with her. Once confirmed please pay the relevant amount into our bank account as follows:
IBAN ES81 2100 9015 2102 0021 8418 Costa Blanca Wine Society
Please remember to include in the payment reference the names of the people being paid for and the event – in this case for example: “John Doe and Jane Doe February tasting”. Do not make a payment until you have received confirmation from Penny.
As soon as Penny confirms your place you should make the payment.
Members should pay for their guests in this manner so that no payment is received from a non-member. Please do not use a non-Spanish bank for this purpose – the charges can be horrific. If you do not have a Spanish account please get in touch with Mike Granville
– Please make your payment as soon as possible after Penny has confirmed your place – don’t leave it until the last minute to make your transfer.
March Meeting – March 16, 2023
A tasting of South American wines hosted by Hugh and Gillian Epsom at restaurant Los Amigos, Javea.
April Meeting – April 20, 2023
Wine tasting and food pairing at Republic Lounge, Marina de Denia, hosted by Caryl and Gordon Sellars
I look forward to enjoying a great tasting programme this year organised by our tasting team. Full details of the programme are available on the website.
Best regards,
Tim Fawle