Newsletter February 2025 Tasting
Dear members
A belated Happy New Year to everyone.
Our programme of events for 2025 is on the website and offers a great variety of types of event, locations and wines to be tasted, for example, this year we are including a tasting of one of Spains most iconic (and possibly least understood) wines – sherry! Also, in September, we are holding an event called ‘Who do you think we are?’ For this event we will be presenting some of the fascinating experiences/achievements (sporting, musical, volunteering, endurance, political, etc) of 5 of our members, together with their favourite wines. So, what we are asking is that you nominate a member (with their permission) to be featured at this event.
Thankyou to everyone who has completed our 2025 membership survey. If you have not already done so may I urge you to do so before the survey closes on January 31. It will only take a few minutes but is very important to your committee. You can access the survey by clicking here
On 16 January we held our AGM, in which we gave presentations of a highly successful 2024, re-elected your committee and set out our plans for 2025. We also encouraged members to step forwards to join our committee – we are in need of greater and more diverse representation particularly from our newer members. Minutes from the AGM will be posted on the website in the next week or so and will be available here
Immediately following the AGM, we held our first Tasting dinner of 2025, at the excellent La Senia restaurant in Denia featuring our highest scoring wines of 2024. For the full report please click here.
Our next three Tasting events are;
On 20 February at Javea Golf Club, the theme will be ‘The Art of Wine Tasting’ presented by the highly engaging and enthusiastic Steve from Bodegas Leopoldo in Ondara. Welcome cava will be served at 19.30 with dinner at 20.00. The cost is €45 for members and €55 for guests. The menu is as follows;
Welcome Cava
Bread and Alioli
Welcome tapa
Beef Carpaccio with Parmesan Cheese
Crunchy Goat Cheese with salad and candied onions
Roasted Lamb at Low Temperature with saute potatoes
Grilled Cod with Vegetables
Vegetarian option
Pineapple with Coconut Ice Cream
Please book directly on the CBWS website or via the link below. Our maximum capacity for this event is 64. Booking is now open and will close at midday on 14 February after which no more bookings can be made and there will be no refunds for cancellations.

On 20 March, at Los Amigos, Javea Tim and Sandy Fawle will be hosting a presentation by Hammeken Cellars of Denia. Nicholas Hammeken will explain his innovative and fascinating approach to winemaking involving 8 winemakers working in 18 different regions.
On 24 April (Please note this is the 4th Thursday in the month to avoid Easter)Tony and Gro Salter will be presenting their Wine Challenge, ‘Pour My Bluff’. Three people present a plausible explanation of the wine that you are blind tasting. Only one is telling the truth! Anyone who attended this Challenge last year will look forward to this event.
And finally: A reminder that membership subscriptions of €30 per person are due to be paid by 27 February. If you wish to renew your membership for 2025, and have not already done so, please pay before that date. Payments should be made to the usual CBWS bank account, with the payment advice showing your name(s) and ‘membership ‘.
Enjoy your month